Welcome to the Pure Software Update Centre.From here, you can access free and paid-for upgrades for Pure products.
Updates for the following products ONLY:
Chronos 2, Contour 100Di, Elan 2, Evoke 1S, Evoke 2S, Evoke Mio, Highway, Milano, One Classic, One Classic Series 2, One Elite, One Elite Series 2, One Mi, One Mi Series 2, Siesta, Siesta Mi, Siesta Mi Series 2
If your product is not listed please go to https://support-uk.pure.com/en/downloads instead; if there is an update for your radio it will be listed here.
To check if any upgrades are available for your product, please enter your product serial number below and click Continue.The serial number can normally be found on the back, underside or in the battery compartment (if applicable) of your product - as part of the barcode label.Serial numbers are normally in a 6 number, 2 letter, 6 number format.